Build Your Own Blockchains in JavaScript for Fun (and Profit)!By Gerald BauerGerald will explain what blockchains are and how they work, and show how to build them in JavaScript.
GraphQL and ApolloDataBy Gerald BauerFind out what GraphQL and ApolloData are, plus play around with GraphiQL, and have an in-depth code view with a sample app.
Building a static (web)site with the Great Gatsby and React.js web componentsBy Gerald BauerThis great talk was held by Gerald Bauer at the monthly ViennaJS meetup in Vienna:
Adding Anchor Links to Your Static WebsiteBy Gerald BauerYou might have noticed in some web pages (e.g. GitHub README) the option to link to a specific paragraph or heading. This is called deep (anchor) linking. ...
Punkbase - SQL.js In ActionBy Gerald BauerQuery punkbase.db with SQL online using "server-less" web page thanks to SQL.jsWhat is punkbase.db? Single-File SQLite Database, that is, punkbase.db - about ~5MB. With 10 000 records of the punk pixel art collection with all metadata (e.g. ...
BigInt in ES2020 and ethers.js v6By Gerald BauerThere's lot of misunderstandings of blockchains and crypto - this talk shows how you can use the ethers.js library to query ("on-chain") contract services on ethereum (for free). ...