We hope you enjoyed the event!
Wednesday, 28. November 2018 at 18:00
Async/await in JSBy Ondrej ZaraSelected by community request – This talk will explain how ES2017 async/await works with respect to older approaches and non-blocking code. We will see how this integrates into legacy codebases, what problems need to be dealt with and how to transpile the stuff for older browsers.
Selected by community request – This talk will explain how ES2017 async/await works with respect to older approaches and non-blocking code. We will see how this integrates into legacy codebases, what problems need to be dealt with and how to transpile the stuff for older browsers.
Towards Verified Compilation of CakeML to WebAssemblyBy Lorenz LeutgebWebAssembly should already be on your radar. I will approach it from formal methods and compilers, sharing my progress and challenges towards verified compilation of CakeML to WebAseembly. You'll not see much Javascript, but plain WebAssembly, some Higher Order Logic, and maybe CakeML.
WebAssembly should already be on your radar. I will approach it from formal methods and compilers, sharing my progress and challenges towards verified compilation of CakeML to WebAseembly. You'll not see much Javascript, but plain WebAssembly, some Higher Order Logic, and maybe CakeML.
V8-GC-optimizations for WeakMapsBy Dominik InführDescribe/explain GC-optimizations on V8 for WeakMaps I did in my internship in the V8 team in Munich.
Describe/explain GC-optimizations on V8 for WeakMaps I did in my internship in the V8 team in Munich.
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